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Turkish Prime Minister opens ITU Plenipotentiary Conference

Turkish Prime Minister opens ITU Plenipotentiary Conference – Antalya meeting to provide future direction and new leadership to Union Antalya, Turkey, 4 November 2006 — The 17th ITU Plenipotentiary Conference opens Monday at the Vega Convention Centre in Antalya, Turkey. The event, which will run until 24 November, is expected to attract some 2 000 participants, including 80 ministers, from over 150 countries representing both government and the private sector as well as regional and international organizations. The Conference…

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Recognizing the Quebec Nation

Recognizing the Quebec Nation : A true reflection of the will of Quebec Federal Liberals – special from Réseau HEM Canada by Marc Garneau On the 21st of October, the Quebec wing of the Liberal Party of Canada adopted 36 resolutions dealing with various issues, including fiscal imbalance, gun control, the environment and sustainable development and yes, the recognition of Quebec as a nation within Canada. Since then, a number of journalists have allowed the perception that this process…

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