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Briefing on the 1st Caspian Economic Forum by H.E. Mr. Atageldi HALJANOV, Ambassador, Permanent….

Briefing on the 1st Caspian Economic Forum by H.E. Mr. Atageldi HALJANOV, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan UN Office at Geneva Geneva 8th April 2019 Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Allow me to begin by thanking all Caspian Sea Region countries’ representatives for joining this briefing on the First Caspian Economic Forum to be held later this year on 12 August 2019 in Avaza National Tourist Zone of Turkmenistan on the Caspian shore. I would equally like to thank all…

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John Field (1782-1837) : Irish composer, pianist, teacher

John Field (1782-1837) Irish composer pianist teacher Born in Dublin into an established musical family John Field was taught by his father (a violinist in Dublin theatres), his grandfather and the composer Tommaso Giordani. As something of a prodigy he made his debut in Dublin at the age of nine and his first London appearance in 1793. He worked as a piano salesman and demonstrator for Muzio Clementi in London, who took him on a European tour in 1802,…

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