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The parade has lost its true sense

The parade has lost its true sense Over time, the Victory Parade has lost its true sense, having become Putin’s political PR stunt. Through the Victory Parade, Putin is trying to show the whole world the prowess of the Russian army, and that he must be reckoned with. While Putin, on the one hand, is speaking of Russia’s peaceful development, on the other hand, he is trying to flex muscles before the world community by holding a fancy parade….

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Happenings, By RAJ

Happenings, By RAJ It happened Friday night, December 21, in Port-au-Prince where a fire consumed Radio Kiskeya, whose best-known crusading journalist Liliane Pierre-Paul dares to speak truth to power. Thus, the fire is considered suspicious. According to a reporter from Le Nouvelliste, (December 22), the Port-au-Prince daily, who arrived on the scene around 10 pm Friday, the fire started around 9 at a house next door to the two-storied gingerbread structure housing the station. Ms. Pierre-Paul was in the backyard…

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