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The Indian “TERRORISM BOGEY” Doom to Fail

THE INDIAN “TERRORISM BOGEY” DOOM TO FAIL Geneva; 8 July 2019: Organisation of Kashmir Coalition (OKC) organised a Kashmir Roadside Roundtable, in continuation of its Kashmir Freedom and Human Rights campaign, outside the United Nations near the famous broken chair in the UN Square. A large crowd of people, having travelled from London, Milan, Berlin, Madrid, other parts of Europe and Islamabad, participated in the scorching heat to demonstrate their solidarity with the people of Indian Held Kashmir who…

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IFJ resolution calls on U.N. to end exclusion of Taiwan journalists

Taipei, June 19 2019 (CNA) The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has put forth an urgent resolution condemning the United Nations’ « discriminatory exclusion » of Taiwan journalists at this year’s World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva and demanding that the U.N. end such a policy. « Amongst nearly 23.8 million people having been stripped of voice are also journalists, who were barred from press briefings at the Assembly for being holders of Taiwan passport and working for a bona fide media…

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