see something say something, ve algo diga algo, we kichoy di kichoy
In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity (Einstein) By Évelina Rioukhina

In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity (Einstein) By Évelina Rioukhina We should never give up. We should never lose belief in the light ahead, despite what we have been experiencing for over a year. So, what has been happening in our heads and hearts over this year? A year ago, it was as if life stopped or got “locked”. For many people the year turned out to be tragic – lost ones were mourned, people got seriously…

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Bernardo Calzadilla-Sarmiento, PhD Corps Diplomatique, GENEVA, Switzerland par Marit Fosse 

BERNARDO CALZADILLA-SARMIENTO, PHD CORPS DIPLOMATIQUE, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND par Marit Fosse  Q: Many people remember you from your Geneva days. Could you tell us a little about yourself and what brought you to this candidacy ?  Growing up in Bolivia, I personally experienced many development challenges that developing countries still face today. Their resilience and strength inspired me to devote my whole life to inclusive and sustainable industrialization, which in turn allowed me to work with very committed people in…

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