USSIA ONCE AGAIN ACTS AS THE “BLACK SHEEP” WITH KOSOVO IN THE INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMACY Special collaboration by Nefail MALIQI * Albania TV Correspondent TOP CHANNEL by the Palace of the United Nations at Geneva. translated by Michele M. Jérôme.
For eight years, the Kosovo “status quo” has been a benefit for the organized crime and the “multiethnic” mafia. The end of this “status quo” is a huge blow for all kind of drug dealers as well as for the prostitution. On the other hand, Kosovo’s status leading to independence would be a huge advantage for society and the economy; it would also encourage the youth not to abandon their country. Ban Ki-moon ,the United Nations’ General Secretary States that anything that goes against Kosovo’s status will have a negative impact on the area. Moreover, Kosovo’s “status quo” can have risky impact on the growth of immigrants in Switzerland as well as in other countries of the European Union.
During the last Security Council, members of UN could not agree unfortunately on the Kosovo’s status. Russia is against the project that Martii Ahtisaari’s supports about Kosovo’s independence. After their disagreement, the United States and its Europeans allies sent back Kosovo’s status’s file to the Group of contact. M. Ahtisaari had concluded that Kosovo’s independence could be probable with the help of the international surveillance and he affirms that it is the only possible way; what Russia is always trying to stop to the UN. Russia has rejected the idea of freeing Kosovo proposed by the United States and the European Union. Keep in mind that in 1999, Russia did not agree with the bombing of the Western against Serbia; it was trying to protect the Kosovo’s people against Belgrade’s crime and genocides.
“It’s been almost eight years since the United Nations’ interim administrative mission exists in Kosovo, and its population needs to have a clear vision of their future” pointed Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations General Secretary in his last periodical report in the MINUK. Some people in the Washington and Pristina’s administration had confirmed that Kosovo has affirmed that it doesn’t want to claim its independency to Serbia unilateral. Kosovo’s delegation has confirmed once again that Kosovo want to stay close partner to the United States and to the European Nation when it’s comes to freedom in the right time.
On one hand, the United States and the European Union countries are supporting strongly Ahtisaari and on the other hand the Russians are against the plan. Their behavior is completely unfair in the international world as well as for Kosovo. One thing is apparent is that Russia reaction is illustrating their interest when it comes to keep Kosovo under their dependence because first it’s using Kosovo as an exchange currency and next because Moscow wants to test its influence is still strong in the Balkans. In conclusion, one can say that in the Security Council, there is a “black sheep” that needs to be controlled in order to change the diplomatic “ballet” and most of all keep the picture of the UN Security Council. How can Russia interfere in European affairs if it doesn’t allow the European Union and the United States to interfere into its business, such as Chechnya and the issue of human rights discrimination… or in other countries’ businesses concerning the ex Soviet regimen.
Anyway, Kosovo’s independence of the people and the institutions has to go through Bruxelles and Washington; their future as well tends to go to Europe. As the secretary of state, Ms. Condoleezza Rice has affirmed last Thursday, Kosovo would be free from Russia whether it wants it or not. The American president Georges W. Bush has also said that if Russia is still keeping its position, the Western countries would have to say their word. During his last visit in June in Albania, Tirana has also pointed that “Kosovo has to be free as soon as possible, that is to say that’s enough”.
When one considers the Swiss engagement toward the Balkans, Berne said that it’s totally positive for the Kosovo’s independence. This position of the Helvetic government has been concerned by Miss Calmy-Rey during her visit at Belgrade and Pristina. This case is followed closely by Berne because of its close relationship with the Balkans countries; the citizens are a more important community of immigrants on the Helvetic soil with 200,000 Albans of Kosovo. No later than March at Geneva, Ms Calmy-Rey has declared for the Alban TV Top Channel that “Even if Swiss is not directly represented in the actual discussions between the Serbian government and the Kosovo’s leaders, it needs to define as soon as possible Kosovo’s status including the independence of the region”. She also has pointed that “No other project than Kosovo’s independence can bring peace and stability. The Kosovo people living in Swiss appreciate the Helvetic government’s position and the recent declarations of Miss Calmy-Rey on Kosovo’s independence. We thank Switzerland for its political and humanitarian engagement, reminding that during the 1999’s war against the Serbian, it has opened its doors to 60,000 Albanian refugees. After Kosovo’s liberation, the maximum of the refugees returned voluntarily in their country.
Montenegro’ independence is a great fortune for its population, which would be felt 50 years after of communist system. The independence of this tiny ex Yugoslavia’s republic, four times smaller that Kosovo can’t influence directly its future, but it can indirectly speed up the process of its independency. If two Yugoslavian’s brothers split up, the Montenegrins and the Serbs, it’s another additional reason for the Albanians non Yugoslavian to walk through the independence’s process. Only the independence would be able to resolve the Albanian issue in the Balkans; but not only the Albanian’s issue. The independence will help Serbia to forget its recent past and look into their future. Some people are worried by the fact that if Kosovo become independent, there will be two Albanian states in Europe. These ideas of “Greater Kosovo”, Greater Albania” don’t exist. Kosovo’s Albanians want to integrate the European Union but not Albania.
The only perspective for Kosovo would be its identical integration into the European Union as the other members. Kosovo’s independence would be a good thing for all the country’s citizens, including the Serbs. Finally Kosovo’s independence relies upon its citizen’s participation. Secretary General of the United Nations, Ba Ki-moon, said that any new report of the efforts made to confirm the final status of Kosovo will have a negative impact on the region.
By Resolution 1244 of the Security Council of the United States of June 10, 1999, Kosovo has been under UN control (MINUK). Since the Kumanovo’s agreement of the same date, an NATO troop of 18,000 men as of today is protecting it. Since 1999 and the NATO bombing at Belgrade, Kosovo is freed from the Serb dictatorship. The Albanians representing 92% and the other 8% non Albanian (without the Serbs) wants Kosovo’s independence. But the Kosovo’s Serbs refuse the idea of its independence and don’t want the compromise. 200,000 among them ran way after the Belgrade’s troops in 1999 and are accusing the Albanians of exactions against the ones who stayed.
If 200,000 Serbs of Kosovo did not want to accept Kosovo’s independence, would the 200,000 Albanians in Serbia (Preshevo, Bujanovac e Medvdja) refuse Serbia’s independence?... International/12-08-07