Press release
Bern, 26 August 2008
Following publication of an AFP report which erroneously stated that the head
of the FDFA favoured dialogue with Al-Qaida and Bin Laden, the FDFA
clarifies its position as follows :
- In her speech to the ambassadors, the head of the FDFA spoke of dialogue as
an instrument of foreign policy.
- She mentioned the appropriateness of such dialogue and the limits in which it
should take place.
- In this context, she asked the rhetorical question of whether entering into a
dialogue with Bin Laden could be considered as a possibility.
- She did not state that she would promote such a dialogue, nor has she
proposed such a dialogue.
- To put an end to this controversy once and for all, in practice there is no
question of the FDFA proposing a dialogue with Osama Bin Laden.