Special collaboration by Dan Albertini Correspondent Réseau HEM Canada by the Palace of the United Nations at Geneva. translated by Florida office – The United States of America has been a long story of freedom and pattern of change for several years. Better, for more than oneself. Today primary should go forward or backward for Obama? Top story coming.
Anyway, talking about Martin L. King is not a political backward game tradition. This is engaging forwarder social live. This is history. But this is more than history too. Cycle balance leveling is not completed yet as expected by Martin. There is one “America” today like used to say Martin L. King but there is still : being Black and white, movement and issue. This is post segragation scories to hunt down, to shutoff, to clean our society.
Remember that a growing Nation’s effort doesn’t play like Jess Jackson, Andrew Young, Judge Clarence Thomas and ever. Today it’s still Obama’s choice like Black metis against a women. Could America be a bit more on that now?
But we thank that it is much more important that Obama change vs Clinton legacy here after second cycle of Bush legacy. This is not America. America is an own chance for owner change for various citizen groups like nowhere else in the world – we understand Mandela’s South Africa to young and uncompleted. This is a truth. America is not matter of kingdom, blind of potential and freedom. America is the way – of participation – that could not understand more than Europe or Asia.
That is why one needs to ask this question : how to exhumate race and common sphere in America of plenty spasm of resistance and our roots, with enough confidence ? As the matter fact American genesis is a mutual responsability today, but endorsement is also call risturn and WhiteHouse available for all. For an American candidate.
Debate on Afro-American character has been a change from pioneer village to the right society reclaim for anyone who has an interest in genealogy of the Black metis American ancestry. This is too solidified for later in the history. Is this a matter of today primary?
Being and becoming metis in America, after the first wave of Martin Luther King children is a question of interest democracy created to help individuals and collective Americans. This is not the Black acceptable genealogy because the “God bless America” could not be under segregation existence or any superficial tradition retention.
Inexperienced could not be involved by newsmaker related to the starting Clinton male presidency.
However, Hilary is not Bill neither. Let say the best: Bill Clinton had exposed his lost tribute by saying unsuccessful on the bin Laden truth at the Chris Wallace Fox News tribune. Does it is mean that bankruptcy strategy as the Bush second legacy White House ? Therefore, what is the matter of experience requested that they ask for Obama!
Does drawing a new confidence means mistake by planning Ms. Rodham Clinton legacy when Republican shutoff American holiness or make ready Obama president for this year ? Short course of history is a matter of personal debate now. Int/17-(01-02)-08